•   Unafraid commented on this post about 2 months ago
    The goal is to explore who you are at your core, beyond your profession or achievements.

    What or who would friends and family say you were?

    How would they describe you?

    • • •

    ⚔️If you were not a police officer, how would you describe yourself?

    ⚔️If you didn’t have a purple belt in jiu-jitsu, who would you say you are?

    ⚔️If you were not the CEO of a company, who are you?

    ⚔️If your physical physique or athletic talents and accomplishments were taken away, who are you?

    • • •

    Take your time in answering this and be honest with yourself.

    #goal #whoareyou #askyourself #friends #family #unafraid
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