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Not a Checkmark

By Unafraid in Faith 24 views 25th Feb, 2025 Video Duration: N/A
Many of us do not have the option of doing the minimum. The minimum in your spiritual walk is going ALL IN with Satan. The enemy (the devil) loves the mediocrity and luke warmness of Christian’s. DO NOT play into the enemies hand by a check in the box attitude toward your spiritual growth. If you struggle with the want, then ask. If you struggle with the drive then ask. If you struggle with comprehending the Word then ask for understanding. We have not because we ask not. God knows where you are and what you need. SEEK Him with all your heart and the want will come, the drive will come and the comprehension will come. Many will do whatever it takes to get that job, or to get the girl but we won’t do the ONE thing that will lead you to mental clarity, salvation and eternal life. STOP allowing evil to influence your life. Rise up and seek the one, Jesus, who can lead you to ALL truth and who will destroy all wrong attitudes, negative thinking, addictions, anxiety, bondages all other things that are not pure. Surrender to Him, and watch! It is NOT religion, or a check in the box. It is a relationship that will lead you to righteousness and out of the grip of darkness (evil).

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