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By Unafraid in Faith 23 views 25th Feb, 2025 Video Duration: N/A
Friends, we often face difficult trials in life. As we overcome these challenges and experience growth, strength, and a change of heart, we should glorify the Lord who sees us through and share our victories with fellow believers (walkers) to build up the body of Christ.

When you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to share what’s on your heart, trust that it is meant for someone to hear. Any negative reactions you may encounter are directed at the Lord, not you, they just don't know it. He can handle it! Embrace your calling to speak with confidence. Do not fear this world, filled with countless false beliefs.

Own what He gives you and uplift others! That fear you may feel comes from an enemy that seeks to silence you, because your God given words have the power to save souls. ⚔️🛡️

*Remember- if you are being prompted to put it up it is not your opinion, it is from Him.

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